OPTIMISM Student-Leaders – January 2021

Shelbyville Main Street School & Kindergarten Center is completely invested in the Social & Emotional Development of our youth with equal value to academic. The message to students is clear: there will be many things in your life that you cannot control but you can control your effort & your attitude & it will make all the difference in your success & happiness. Students were selected based on teacher & peer input.

Main Street January 2021 “OPTIMISM” Student-Leaders:

pictured (left to right): (front row): Laken Dove, Stella Cisna, Rylee Litteral, Landry Agney

(middle row): Kwen Agney, Alice Taira, Ike Holt, Karlee Snider

(back row): Emmett Klauser, Khloe Reedy, Cali Randolph, Allison Homer, Brogan Ade-Embry, Ryan Scott-Principal

(not pictured): Raeley Darnell

Shelbyville Kindergarten January 2021 “OPTIMISM” Student-Leaders:

Pictured (left to right): (front row): Kolt Ulmer, Amy Williamson

(back row): Brielle Brison, Owen Durbin, Charlie Puchbauer