Listed below are items that would be helpful for your student to have here at SHS:
Reusable Water Bottle (automatic bottle fillers are located throughout the school building)
Personal Kleenexes
A three-ring paper notebook with tabs for different classes
A folder for each class to keep materials organized
Book Bag (not allowed inside classrooms)
Earbud headphones for chromebooks
Scientific calculator for math courses below Algebra 2. Graphing calculator (TI-84 plus) for math courses above Algebra 2.
The Basics: notebook paper, pencils, pens, folders for each course, etc.
All students will be issued a chromebook and a protective case purchased by the school district. They will be responsible for bringing this with them every day to school (fully charged), and taking it home each evening. Each chromebook will connect to our internal server and will be equipped with the goguardian network of cyber security. The school appointed chromebooks will be the only computer technology that will be allowed within the school building. These will be returned at the end of the school year.
If you have a high school student, the math department recommends the following calculators:
Algebra Concepts, Algebra 1, Geometry Concepts, Geometry and Applied Math – Your child needs a scientific calculator with a fraction button. To know whether a calculator is a scientific one, look for the buttons sin, cos and tan. If one needs to be purchased, we recommend a Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS (color does NOT matter). They retail for about $10-15
Algebra 2- This is a transition class for the use of calculators. For the most part your child will be using a scientific calculator. However, your child will be learning the basics of using a graphing calculator. If your child plans on advancing to Pre-Calculus you may want to invest in a graphing calculator. If not, we have some graphing calculators in the classroom for his/her use. Keep in mind that we do not have enough graphing calculators for everyone in Algebra 2 to take home overnight.
Pre-Calculus and Statistics/Calculus – Your child will need a graphing calculator. If one needs to be purchased, we ask that you purchase a Texas Instruments TI-84 plus (color does not matter). They retail for about $100 - $120. The TI-84 plus is the model type that is required for dual credit.
If you have any questions, please email Rachel Banfield at
TI-30X IIS TI-84 plus
State Sales Tax Holiday | August 5, 2022 - August 14, 2022