Abby T. was selected as an IAJHSC Honor Roll of Outstanding Student Council Member! She served as the Moulton Student Council President this year and did an outstanding job. A well deserved recognition for a great leader! Congrats Abby!
This message is from Shelbyville CUSD #4: If you were unable to pickup student items and return school materials yesterday or today during designated times (ends at 3:00 today), please do so tomorrow from 9:00 AM-11:30 AM, 12:30 PM-3:00 PM at the school buildings. Thank you!
Don't forget to complete your census! It's an easy way to help our community.
Wishing these two ladies the best of luck in their retirement! Thank you for everything Mrs. Bogart and Mrs. Dunaway!
Here's the second half of the time capsule activity.
Check out the time capsule idea the 8th grade teachers want to share. (1/2)
“Bagged & Tagged” & ready for curb-side service w/ a SMILE!
Please access the link for End of Year Information from Shelbyville CUSD #4:
3rd graders- Join your class for a Virtual Tour of Moulton! The schedule is as follows:
May 13-Mrs. Kelly's @ 10 a.m., Mrs. Perry's @ 11 a.m.
May 14-Mrs. Harkins's @10 a.m., Mrs. Brunk's @ 11 a.m.
Hope to see you there!
Moulton Spring Pictures are in! You can stop by Monday May 11th to pick them up, by calling the office to set up a time, or during the locker clean out day (information coming soon).
Please access the link for updates from Shelbyville CUSD #4:
Please access the link for an update from Shelbyville CUSD #4:
Congratulations to Caroline W. on being selected as the 2019-20 IESA Scholar Attitude Award nomination for Moulton!
Shelbyville CUSD #4 Updates: Please access the link for updates.
Main Street & K final CLK pickup on Monday (4/27) extending Remote Learning to May 22 which is the last day of the school year.
Locker/Desk Clean Out for all K-11 students is currently planned for May 21 and May 22. Senior students will do so on May 8. Details will be provided closer to the event as we continue to work on putting in procedures to help everyone maintain appropriate social distancing during these events.
Don't forget Moulton CLKs are due today with this week's packets available from 9-11 a.m.
Rams Family,
This afternoon, the Governor of Illinois suspended in person instruction for the remainder of the school year and districts will rely on their Remote Learning Plans. As decisions are made on cleaning out lockers and end of year events, we will share it with you.
Main Street & Kindergarten Spring 20’ picture order packets are in!
Classroom teachers will be sending a picture through ClassDOJO soon for each student. This picture will show the pricing guide, online ordering details such as the website & your child’s unique code, picture proof, etc...
Orders are due Thursday, April 30th by ordering online or submitting to Main Street School office by mail or drop off. Office hours are (M-F) @ (8-1).
Susan Miller, secretary, is the main contact. She is available Monday, Tuesday & Thursday @ (8-11:30). Main Street phone # 217-774-4731.