Main Street is working on our Bathroom Etiquette. We will be Safe, Courteous & Clean. THANK YOU, Mrs. Lacy Houska for creating Visual Steps for using the Restroom! Sometimes, we just need a picture.
SHS FFA Petting ZOO w/ Mrs. Heidi Kinkelaar 1st Grade TEAM. THANK YOU< Kelli Black & the SHS FFA for the Experience!
Mrs. Jennifer Kuhl KINDERGARTEN TEAM @ SHS FFA Petting ZOO! The Students had a great time!
Main Street & Kindergarten "Fancy Friday" w/ "READ-A-THON" Check out the "Fancy Schmancy" Crew on Mrs. Kim Brunk' 3rd Grade TEAM. The kids look Sharp!
Mrs. Jaide Helton & her KINDERGARTEN TEAM Perform "Vowel Surgery" reinforcing Letters w/ Sounds & forming Words. Very COOL!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This morning the Shelbyville Police Department made the school district aware of a threatening message posted on Facebook that referenced SHS. After investigation by the police department it was determined that the message was not referencing Shelbyville High School. The district is grateful to our local law enforcement for their support in ensuring our students’ safety.
We also appreciate our students and community members who make us aware of situations that require further investigation.
Denise Bence
Mrs. Bridgette Cole & 2nd Grade ART Students Examine Complementary Colors, Horizontal & Vertical lines w/ Problem Solving & "AB pattern" making w/ mounting & tagging skills. ART is in our LIVES!
Mrs. Emily Miller-Amato & MUSIC Students create different types instruments w/ recycled materials(percussion, string, wind, etc...) Excellent opportunity to explore sound & apply what learned!
PTO "READ-A-THON" dress-up's THEME: "Books Transform You." Students dressed as their favorite BOOK CHARACTER...& so did some of the Teachers!
THANK YOU, Doris Bowers M.D. & Gary Hayden PA-C @ Sarah Bush Lincoln Clinic for DONATING $500.00 for Google Chromebooks @ Main Street School!
Call 774-4731 to schedule your child's birth - 5 preschool screening.
Mrs. Emily Miller-Amato selected & rehearsed w/ Main Street MUSIC Students to participate in the Millikin Children's Choir Program Saturday, Feb. 17th. Great Experience & Extension of the LEARNING!
Mrs. Heidi Kinkelaar was definitely SURPRISED as they organized a "Baby Shower" @ the end of the day. Mrs. Kinkelaar is starting her family her Main Street TEAM is so Happy for her!
Kindergarten TEAM looking "Festive" for Valentines' Day. Red & Pink & Hearts & SMILES! &...some Sweet Treats! Sounds like a Good Day!
4-H Representatives, Yolanda Nation & Jim Sparks, discuss Science/Technology/Engineering/Arts/Math (STEAM) aspects of 4-H w/ a Robotics Presentation & Activity w/ Main Street 3rd Grade Students.COOL!
"TIME for Kids"-Main Street&K Students can complete "mailing packets" & return by FRI(2/16). Need (7)names/addresses. Do NOT have to buy anything. School gets(50) FREE subscription per(30) completed.
Mrs. Brooke Hammond's K-TEAM Engaged in Activity w/ Concept of "NUMBER BONDS" promoting Cardinality (1:1 Association) & Quantity(students) that can be split or combined to make a "whole" or a "part."
Mrs. Angie Sims 2nd GR TEAM Invited me to class to discuss different "tools" or ways to solve 3-digit addition&subtraction problems. I learned the "Place-Value Chart" & the "Stack it up" method. COOL
DODGEBALL March 3rd! For more information, check out the "documents" section of the website or grab a packet from the Moulton Office.
Mrs. Storm Kindergarten also saw the 3-D printer in use & Mr. White's class was currently making enough TURTLES for everyone in our class to take one home! THANKS!