Shelbyville High School's Class of 2018 graduation date has been set. It will be May 19th at 7:00 PM on the football field. If the weather does not cooperate, it will be in the gym.
Congrats to Moulton’s Jan. TOP (Treating Others Politely) students!!!
(WAND)–2nd & 3rd grade students @ Main Street have been using Google Chromebooks, thanks to donations from local businesses.
THANK YOU, Software Solutions Integrated (SSI) for DONATING $1,000.00 to SPONSOR TECHNOLOGY @ Main Street School w/ Google Chromebooks.
Chase Boarman (3rd grade Student Leader in Mrs. Brunk's class) presents to his peers regarding taking care of the Google Chromebook devices using a Google Slides presentation he created. Nice Work!
Corben White & his technology/vocational students created 3-D representation from 2-D blueprints of Main Street School & 3-D printed the school to scale! This is so COOL; I am Impressed!
Main Street School highlighted w/ Technology Vision - Google Chromebooks in the classroom and local Sponsorships. Check it out tonight @ 4, 5 & 6 on WAND tv Channel 17!
Mrs. Bridgette Cole ART Students working w/ symmetry, texture & fading to create a "Winter Wonderland" effect @ Main Street School. I also notice the experiment w/ patterns on the gloves.
Main Street Welcomes EIU Student Teachers, Gabe Palmer in Mrs. Brunk's 3rd Grade class & Jenny Reid in Mrs. Kelly's 3rd Grade class.
Kendyll Welton in Mrs. Kuhls' Kindergarten class responded to a non-fiction passage READ in class! Let's TEAM-UP to get this DREAM accomplished for/with our youth!
I will wear the RAM Mascot Costume w/ PRIDE when Main Street & Kindergarten reach our school GOAL of 50,000 Box Tops! Please help us w/ this.
Theresa Freemans' 1st Grade Students experiment w/ ROBOTS THANKS to Jen Schrock bringing in. This goes w/ READING Topic to add to the prior knowledge connection & personal interest. Very COOL!
Shelbyville PTO "GLO-BINGO" Saturday, January 27th @ Moulton Middle School @ 7:00 PM. PTO does a lot for the school; plan to attend & have some fun while supporting our schools!
@MainStSchool 1st Grade Student, Chance Spracklen, reminds me of ENTHUSIASM message from @trainor96 as he is a "banana" full of ENERGY & spreading SMILES! Thank you, Chance; you are a good TEAMMATE!
WCIA-3 will broadcast technology sponsorships for Google Chromebooks @ Main Street School w/ over $30,000.00 in sponsorships. It will air @ 5pm or 6pm segment. I am not sure which one. Plan to WATCH!
Main Street School & K collecting Box Tops for Education. WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please notice these on products we buy naturally & cut out. Next submission deadline is March 1st! We are collecting NOW
Some of the 4th graders and their teachers at the movies after reading #Wonder #RoxyTheater
Community Banks of Shelby County
(Greg Miller-President & Jennifer Wade-Vice President) DONATED $1,000.00 for Google Chromebooks @ Main Street School! THANK YOU!
Shelbyville Alumni & local School Board Member, Ellen Trainor, "jazzes" students up w/ ENTHUSIASM-January Character FOCUS. THANK YOU! What a great message: POSITIVITY. ENERGY. CONTAGIOUS!
Main Street & K TEAM Engaged w/ READING & WRITING Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Professional Development @ Teacher Institute 1/3. Whoop; we GO 2018!