BOX TOPS APP FREE @ APP_Store. BUY PRODUCTS naturally purchasing...SCAN your receipt QR CODE...EARN for OUR SCHOOL!SO much easier! MAIN Street purchased nearly (50)iPads for our kids since 2015
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
We'd like to give a shout out to current SHS student, Kyle Stauder, for the great aerial pictures you can view on the website. Awesome job Kyle!
over 7 years ago, Russell Tomblin
Shelbyville CUSD #4 has it's own app! Download it today to get the latest info.
over 7 years ago, Russell Tomblin
Moulton Middle School has joined Twitter! #TimeToTweet
over 7 years ago, Russell Tomblin
STARS Preschool enrollment calls are being finalized this week.
almost 8 years ago, Shannon Shallenberger
Be sure to allow push notifications to get the latest info from Shelbyville CUSD #4!
almost 8 years ago, Russell Tomblin