Please note that all district staff is participating in safety training (A.L.I.C.E) this afternoon (11/6) at Moulton. If you call any of the schools, please leave a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Shelbyville Alumni, Police Department Dispatcher, Animal Shelter Advocate & Community Member, Penny Standerfer, addresses Main Street Student-Leaders regarding Gratitude: “the Power of Appreciation” as November Focus connected to Veterans Day & Thanksgiving.
PROUD to announce Main Street & K-Center October 2019 OWNERSHIP Student-Leaders sponsored by ICED w/ Jodi Allen!
Moulton's Veterans Day program is Friday Nov. 8th @ 9:30 a.m. Come help us celebrate those who keep our country free!
Fall Play!
STARS Preschool students practiced their language skills at the “big school” by Trick or Treating Main Street classrooms.
Local Shelbyville Police Officer, Lou Maxedon, addressed Main Street & Kindergarten Student-Leaders regarding “ownership” w/ Red Ribbon Week (RRW) Focus & making choices as our own even when it is hard & strategies for situations we are not comfortable w/ & know are wrong.
Red Ribbon Week Theme: “I am my Own Decisions” connecting October Character Trait Focus: OWNERSHIP.
Don’t forget Red Ribbon Week at Moulton starts today!
Save the Dates!
Service Project @ Coon Creek with Mrs. Shoaff (Physical Education)
October Students of the Month
PTO fundraiser items will be delivered on Thursday. Items can be picked up at the building the student attends.
Don't forget the Fall Showcase concert is on Tuesday October 22nd in the SHS gym. Groups performing include 6th-12th band, choir, and the Ukulele Club. The performances start at 7 p.m.
Shelbyville Schools Teachers’ Institute (10/18) w/ pre-K to HS TEAM collaboration utilizing an #edcamp model w/ our own talented teachers sharing. Teachers were surveyed on topics of interest & then chose top (3) to create a schedule of options w/ the most teacher interest to discuss & learn together.
Congrats to the October Treating Others Politely (T.O.P.) students of the month! They were nominated by their peers.
Avery B.-5th, Grady O.-7th, Owen H.-8th, Austin U.-6th, Gavon Riggs-4th (pictured left to right)
Shelbyville's Main Street & Kindergarten MUSIC Teacher, Mrs. Emily Miller-Amato, presented @ an Illinois Music Educators Association (ILMEA) conference in Effingham on Friday (10/11) w/ Music Educator colleagues.
Her session was titled, "Creative Movement Demonstration." .
2830 lbs of canned food and $123 for the local food pantry! Trick or Treat for Canned Goods is organized by the Moulton Student Council. Thank you to the volunteers and the 119 students who participated and made this event a success!
Thank you to Detective Richard Wistocki, Cyber Crimes officer, and SBL's Women Connected for today's presentation on cyber crimes! The information presented will help our students stay safer.
Sharman Bastl w/ "Duffy" & Sandy Brix w/ "Bernie," local community members & their PET Therapy Dogs, READ w/ 1st grade TEAM. Students really enjoyed the experience. Thank you!