Students on Mrs. Amie Corley 2nd Grade TEAM, Jayden Harper, Sophia Summers, Kyndall Bennett, Ezra McConnell & Logan Satterfield make plans to plant their Oak TREE seedlings provided by IDOT!
SHS Prom is tomorrow!
Phil Nosbisch w/ Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) provided (275) Swamp Oak & Red Oak seedling trees for (K-2) students via "Living Lands & Waters" program w/ a "MILLION Trees Mission."
THANK YOU, Jerry Yockey & the Shelbyville ROTARY CLUB for generous $500.00 Donation for Google Chromebooks @ Main Street School & Investing in Technology for our Students!
PTO Joe's PIZZA "NO Homework Night" was AWESOME! I enjoyed interacting w/ students & families in setting other than school. THANK YOU to Joe's PIZZA, PTO, Teachers, Families & Community!
Marilyn Donahoo, Community Member & Grandparent, READ "I Wish I were a Butterfly" w/ 3rd Gr Students & Led Deep Reflection & Discussion regarding THEME & SYMBOLISM & more. The students were Engaged.
THANK YOU, Ed Boarman w/ Ed Boarman Motors Inc. for $250.00 sponsorship for RAM PRIDE (4' x 8') panels @ Main Street School "BRANDING" our school district! We are the RAMS; we are PROUD!
THANK YOU, Dave Ogden w/ Pro-Lube of Shelbyville for $500.00 sponsorship for RAM PRIDE (4' x 8') panels @ Main Street School "BRANDING" our school district! We are the RAMS; we are PROUD!
THANK YOU, Rob Boarman w/ Boarman Auto Sales Inc. for $250.00 sponsorship for RAM PRIDE (4' x 8') panels @ Main Street School "BRANDING" our school district! We are the RAMS; we are PROUD!
THANK YOU, Bill Leach, w/ Leach-Wilson Chevrolet & Buick for $250.00 sponsorship for RAM PRIDE (4' x 8') panels @ Main Street School "BRANDING" our school district! We are the RAMS; we are PROUD!
Mrs. Townsend discusses Zones of Regulation with our preschool students.
THANK YOU, Shelbyville PTO, for approving $3,000.00 for Main Street School & K-Center for (10) ipads & charging stations for K & 1st Grade w/ PTO Spring Technology grants 18'!
The SHS Envirothon Team competed on April 12th at Ballard Nature Center in Altamont placed 1st out of all the teams in Shelby County. We also Placed 3rd in the overall competition and scored a 96% on the Rangelands of the USA Test. Great Job!
McKenna Kull, Carson Beyers, Harrison Wooters, Sarah Throneburg, and Allison Oligschlaeger.
PTO "NO HOMEWORK NIGHT" w/ local Joe's PIZZA Tuesday, April 17th! PLAN to grab a Pizza, Pasta, salad or burger & ENJOY "FAMILY NIGHT" w/ No Homework & NO Cooking/Clean-up while supporting our SCHOOL!
THANK YOU, Tad & Lisa Mayhall for Investing in Technology @ Main Street School Sponsoring Lenovo N24 Google Chromeboooks for our students w/ generous $1,000.00 Donation!
THANK YOU, Lee Mitchell, Natural Resource Specialist w/ Army Corps of Engineers for passing on some Wisdom & Empowering students to have Desire to Learn speaking on CURIOSITY @Main Street & K-Center!
Congratulations to Main Street & K-Center March - GRIT Students. GRIT is "Effort Endurance" & this is a cool trait that will serve these students well in the future.
Congrats K.I.D. (Kiwanis Improvement Dollars) winners! And thank you Kiwanis Club for supporting our students!
The Annual "MAIN EVENT" Thursday, May 3rd @ 5-7 PM! We have some Extras to add to the FUN! Local Moose Lodge Grilling, pedal Tractor-pull, Inflatables, Tropical-Sno, DJ, face-painting, raffle baskets
THANK YOU, Local Community Business&Church (ACE Hardware, County Market, Triple B Home Center, Wal-Mart & 1st Assembly of God) for Donating/Assembling Emergency Preparedness Kits for Main Street & K!