Main Street & K-Center will be collecting Box Tops to submit by the end of February. Please collect; we will buy technology devices! Thank you to Jen Schrock for making the visual display.
Shelbyville Main Street & Kindergarten Center "OWNERSHIP" October 2017 Students. "Your LIFE is Yours!"
Shelbyville Proud Alumni, Community Member & Parent, Rachel Reed, spoke to K-3 Students re: GRATITUDE. Be THANKFUL & Show APPRECIATION!
Thank you to Mr. Endsley and his class for letting Mrs. Ladd's class help plant chestnut trees today!
Moulton Veterans Day program is November 10th @ 9:30 a.m. in the high school gym. Breakfast will be served at 8:45 a.m. Please come join us in celebrating those that have served our country!
Angel of Love Tree Book Drive - Students in Mrs. Biehler's Shelbyville High School Early Education Class are holding a book drive to collect new books for the Angel of Love Tree program. The community is encouraged to help the class with this project. If you would like to donate books for the project you may drop them off at the Shelbyville High School office. The new books can be for toddlers through age 13. They are asking that all donated books are turned into the Shelbyville High School office by November 20th. If you have any questions you can contact one of the students in the class or contact Mrs. Biehler at 217-774-3926.
Alivia Storm in Mrs. Kinkelaars 1st grade class spells her new baby brother's name, Easton. Easton is the newest "Storm kid!" Congratulations to Mrs. Storm!
Thanks to parents and Main Street teachers for making Mrs. McDonald's Fall Party a success.
Congrats to our Red Ribbon Week poster winners in 4th & 5th grade! These girls really showed their impressive artistic skills!
Students in Mrs. Corley's 2nd grade class discuss different ways to represent 12 w/ our base 10 number system & manipulatives. NICE! Thinking w/ Speaking&Listening.
Thank You to Nurse Nancy Hogan for volunteering & speaking to our youth regarding Healthy & Safe Choices. #RedRibbonWeek
Mrs. Kuhl Kindergarten knows how to "Use Your HEAD: Don't do Drugs!" #RedRibbonWeek
Shelbyville Police Officer, Eric Culberson, greets students & is visible @MainStreet. Positive role model making connections w/ our kids.
Officer Culberson visited Moulton on Wacky Hair Day! #redribbonweek
Local Police Officer, Eric Culberson, speaks to Main Street & Kindergarten Center regarding OWNERSHIP. Great Partnership w/ local Law Enforcement!
Great job 4th grade collecting supplies for the Puerto Rico relief efforts!
Thank you to Tina Meier, from the Megan Meier foundation, for her powerful anti-bullying message today! Together, we can have a positive impact on others!
Shelbyville Retired Teacher, Mary Lou Brehmer, wins GRANT via IRTA Foundation ($750 for the LIBRARY) New Books for the kids!
Shelbyville High School Senior, Braxton Vice, performs National Anthem @ Rock Wall unveiling @ Main Street School. He did great. Thanks! I am very PROUD of this former student of mine.
Very PROUD of this former student & current SHS Student Leader, Ryan Laskowski, United States Army Nation Guard. Ryan completed Basic Training this last summer.