Thank you to local Community Members/Veterans (Ryan Laskowski, Tracy Agney, Tom Schafer & James Sims)! They served their country & continue to serve their community; Thank You!
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
Veterans-Rock Wall
Sarah Bush Lincoln Hospital President & CEO, Jerry Eskers, speaks to MS & K students regarding hard work & healthy physical activity.
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
Thank You to the TEAM @sarahbushnews for the PARTNERSHIP w/ our school & INVESTMENT in our Kids!
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
Main Street logged a total of 7,324 miles in 4-month time to earn Rock Wall; check it out; Our Kids WORK HARD!
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
Rock Wall 2
Rock Wall
Main Street TOP Runners (Tessa Bowers-113 miles, Bodee Fathauer-92 miles, Alexis Tichenor-101 miles, Timothy Edwards) WOW & Thank You!
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
TOP Runners
Main Street 2nd Gr. took a "Nature Walk" w/ Community Member/Parent, Rachel Reed, & linked Science Inquiry w/ Speaking&Listening as well as Writing skills. Great PARTNERSHIP; Great EXPERIENCE!
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
2nd grade participates in "Nature Walk" w/ community member/parent, Rachel Reed.
Nature Walk - 2nd Grade
Thanks to Monica Cameron and Nancy Wallace at the Shelbyville Public Library for welcoming our preschool students.
over 7 years ago, Shannon Shallenberger
Section 19 FFA Fair was September 9, 2017. This year four Shelbyville FFA members competed at Fayette County Fairgrounds. Luke Jezgars exhibited in the Poultry division. He received A ratings for all of his 8 entries. Sydney Trainor competed in the Beef and Swine division. She received all A ratings. She also placed third with her heifer. Chase Trainor exhibited in the Swine Division. He received all A ratings. He also received Grand Champion Crossbred Spring Barrow and Reserve Champion Registered Spring Barrow. Hallie Horsman showed in the Equine department. She received all A ratings. She won Halter Geldings 6 years and older, Grand Champion Halter Gelding, Champion Showmanship, and Champion Horsemanship.
over 7 years ago, Shane Schuricht
STARS preschoolers are rockin' in our school shoes.
over 7 years ago, Shannon Shallenberger
Rockin' in our school shoes
STARS Preschool students sort insects by color.
over 7 years ago, Shannon Shallenberger
Sorting purple and green
Sorting and identifying color words
Preschool friends help each other sort by color
Mrs. Storm's Kindergarten class had some special visitors from Mrs. Bennett's 5th Gr. class. The older students interacted w/ the younger students & read stories to them. This was a great experience!
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
First Assembly of God Representatives, Pastor-Don Jefferies & Jennifer Duckett, stop by to support the school w/ some pens/pencils & "cute" Apple Post-it notes dispensers. Thank You!
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
Pastor, Don Jefferies & Jennifer Duckett of First Assembly of God donate "CUTE" Apple Post-IT Note Dispensers & Pens/pencils for Teachers. Thank YOU!
"Cute" Apple Post-It Note Dispenser
Last week, Mrs. Shoaff's PE students worked with the Corp of Engineers to spread mulch at the playground located by the dam. They also cleaned playground equipment. Nice job students. It's tremendous to see you give back to your community!
over 7 years ago, Shane Schuricht
Some of Mrs. Shoaff's PE students.
Working hard!
PTO DQ Night Success! Thank You!
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
Just a few pictures from the Sports World Outreach assembly with former NFL LB, Steve Grant. A great message for all students and staff!
over 7 years ago, Russell Tomblin
Steve Grant Assembly
Steve Grant Assembly
Sports World Assembly
Steve Grant Assembly
Main Street August2017 SELF-CONTROL "Model" Students identified We want our students to know we notice their positive behavior & leadership traits & appreciate them. They make the whole school better
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
Main Street August SELF-CONTROl "Model" Students
7th grade poster telling what empathy means to them.
over 7 years ago, Russell Tomblin
Pictures from today's Academic Awards Assembly at Shelbyville High School. Congratulations students!
over 7 years ago, Shane Schuricht
Shelbyville High School Academic Awards Assembly
Shelbyville High School Golden Horn Recipients
Get good grades; check. Come to school; check. Don't get in trouble; check. Become a Golden Horns/Silver Hooves recipient; check!!!
PTO "DAIRY QUEEN NIGHT" September 14th (4-8)pm @ local DQ. Portion of sales go to Shelbyville PTO to support our schools & the Teachers will be there too!
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott
Shelby County Retired Teachers Association donated school supplies for Main Street & K-Center Special Education classrooms. THANK YOU!
over 7 years ago, Ryan Scott